Wednesday, April 6, 2011

#Weather conditions in #Liverpool,Nova Scotia,#Canada @ 7:15 AM: +1.8°C / Clear / Humidity 76% / Wind W 6.1 km/h

Official conditions (via the Western Head* wx station) @ 6:00 AM: +2.9°C, Humidity 94%,Wind: W 12 km/h

Last 24 hrs min/max:

Liverpool: high +11.4°C low +2.0°C Max wind:44.0 km/h

Western Head:high +8.2°C low +2.7°C

Yesterday was a mild day but it it was also wet and very windy.The day was mostly drizzly and foggy until the late afternoon.By the early evening heavy rains moved through the area.Overnight the rain ended and the sky cleared.

The next few day will be dry but cool.More seasonable temps will return by the weekend.

(Normals: Max +7°C / Min -1°C)

Cloudy with sunny periods. 30 percent chance of wet flurries this afternoon. Wind west 30 km/h gusting to 50. Temperature steady near plus 4. UV index 4 or moderate.

Clearing this evening. Wind west 20 km/h. Low minus 2.

Sunny. Wind northwest 20 km/h. High plus 5.

Sunny. Low minus 4. High plus 5.


The marine forecast:

Wind northwest 25 to 30 knots diminishing to 15 near midnight.  Showers and fog patches ending early this morning.

Today's Weather Trivia:

6 April 2007: Slushy frazil ice from Lake Winnipeg created one of the longest ice jams in Manitoba's history and one of the biggest ever seen on the Red River. Selkirk had major flooding, with water rising to homes' floorboards and over car hoods. At the Marine Museum, the water pushed 4 dry-docked ships off their foundations, and sewage poured into the exhibits; museum staff saved what they could. -Excerpt from 'The Canadian Weather Trivia Calendar' by David Phillips. © Environment Canada


Sky Events:

  • Solar Activity: Solar activity is expected to be very low to low for the next three days (06 - 08 April).
  • AURORA ('Northern Lights') WATCH: Auroral activity will be QUIET.
  • Next ISS visible sightings:
Date: Thursday, April 07, 2011 Time: 04:24 AM Duration: Less than 1 minute Maximum Elevation: 19° Approach: 19° above NNE Departure: 17° above NNE
Date: Thursday, April 07, 2011 Time: 05:57 AM Duration: 3 minutes Maximum Elevation: 21° Approach: 11° above NW Departure: 20° above NNE
  • The Pleiades star cluster is in the west at nightfall this evening, above the crescent Moon. The brightest members of the cluster form a tiny dipper. Although those stars are known as the Seven Sisters, only six are easily visible to the unaided eye.



* The Western Head weather station is the official reporting station for this area.It is NOT located in Liverpool but is approx 10kms outside of town and on the seashore.The temperature difference between the town of Liverpool and the weather station can be quite large,especially in the summer months.


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