The weather forecast for this week:
I read an article about Hurricane Mathew impacting our area by next weekend.That article went on to say that it would be similar to Juan some years ago that did significant damage here.Personally I think that person was 'fear mongering'. The storm is currently well south of Cuba and has a lot of travelling to do to get here.At this time,no one can say for certain if it will even make it this far north so I would hold off on predicting flooding and hurricane force winds for here at this point.
The current graphic:
We had a some Northern Lights activity early last week.There was also a prediction of a large outburst mid-week but that did not happen here.As it was,I did get a few pics last Monday night from my favorite viewing location:
The sun has gone quiet again and there is no aurora activity expected here this week.
Some other things to look for in the night sky for this week:
That's all for now.
Have a great week!!