17 April 2010
Conditions in Liverpool,NS at 6:48:14 AM : -1.3°C | Clear | Wind: WNW 13 km/h
(Normals: Max: 9°C Min: 1°C)
We had a much better day here yesterday than what was forecast.Afternoon temps were near +15°C and the day was mostly sunny.The evening was clear but cool with temps dropping to below freezing overnight.There isn’t as much frost this morning as there has been for the past few days.
Today is forecast to be similar to yesterday so we may see some more of the warmer weather again.Showers are on the way for tomorrow and they will be with us through the weekend.
- The 3 day forecast for our area issued by Environment Canada:
Today -- A mix of sun and cloud. Becoming cloudy this morning. High 6. UV index 3 or moderate.
Tonight -- Cloudy. A few rain showers beginning this evening and ending overnight then 30 percent chance of rain showers or flurries. Low plus 1.
Sunday -- Cloudy. 30 percent chance of rain showers or flurries in the morning. A few rain showers beginning near noon. Rainfall amount 2 to 4 mm. Wind becoming northwest 20 km/h in the afternoon. High plus 3.
Monday -- Showers. Low plus 1. High plus 4.
- Today’s Weather Trivia:
April 17,1835: During an intense snowstorm on Prince Edward Island, an elderly couple from Portage left their son-in-law's to return home, about 300 m away. Halfway there, the couple was completely bewildered by the violent storm and stopped to argue about the route to take. The wife sat down, covered with a rug, and was found uninjured the next morning. Her husband was found dead about 0.5 km away.
– Excerpt from 'The Canadian Weather Trivia Calendar' by David Phillips. © Environment
- Sky Events:
ISS w/ shuttle docked:
Date: Sunday, April 18, 2010
Time: 04:29 AM
Duration: 2 minutes
Maximum Elevation: 22°
Approach: 21° above NNW
Departure: 17° above NNE
Date: Sunday, April 18, 2010
Time: 06:04 AM
Duration: 2 minutes
Maximum Elevation: 20°
Approach: 15° above NNW
Departure: 19° above NNE
Corvus, the crow, is low in the southeast at nightfall and arcs across the southern sky during the night. Corvus's brightest stars form a small but distinct box. In mythology, the crow was a servant of the god Apollo.
-Al C