Sunday, July 31, 2016

Still hot and dry

Just put another week of hot weather behind us and there's more on the,we are in serious need of a good soaking rain here.According to the models,the temps will be slightly lower this week but there's no possibility of rain until late in the week.

For those of us that are into astrophotography and astronomy,we've had a few nights last week to enjoy clear skies.Last night in particular was spectacular...the best one of the week!
We're also seeing evening ISS passes once again here.To find out when it's visible in your area I recommend using either ISS Tracker for android devices or the Heavens Above website on a computer.

Here's a few pics I took over the past week:

Some things to look for this week as posted on Star Date :

Have a great week


Special weather statement in effect for: Queens County Potential storm over the Maritimes at anytime this Fall and Winter . A storm will lik...