Sunday, June 19, 2016

Eliminating Light Pollution

'Light pollution'.....the downside to astrophography unless you're in a really remote location.However,with a few 'tricks' you can make it basically disappear.I use PixInsight LE and Photoscape to get rid of most of it,if not all.
Run the photo through PixInsight to bring out the 'hidden' stars and then darken it with Photoscape as in the example below:

Try it out.....both programs are freeware.


Finally we're getting some decent weather with temps in the 20Cs for highs.A few 'bumps' coming up this week but it's still better than what we've had lately.

That's all for now.



Special weather statement in effect for: Queens County Potential storm over the Maritimes at anytime this Fall and Winter . A storm will lik...