Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Feb 2 Snowstorm

The snow began around noon and continued until midnight...maybe a bit longer...not sure,I was in bed before it was over.
Total accumulation here was about 20cms.We received less rain than expected and temps did not rise to +8C.Temps did increase during the storm but they did not make it above freezing at ground level.There was however a fair amount of ice pellets from upper level warm air.
Overnight the temps dropped to -12C and the snow developed a 5 cm 'crust'.The snow that was pushed off the streets by the plows froze into something similar to cement......so it was hard going getting everything cleaned up today.
Unfortuately,there is another storm on the way for Thursday.It's a toss up at this point if it will be rain or snow.Time will tell.

Photo: A couple of hours after the storm began.Near blizzard conditions.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Sunday Feb 1,2015 - Cold and Wintery

Feb came in cold and wintery.Temp is currently at -11C on my thermometer and winds are brisk making for a windchill near -20C.The street is snow covered this morning after an evening of light snow that began as freezing drizzle in the late afternoon.
More snow is on the way for tomorrow with a change over to rain possible here on the coast.
Seems like winter is just starting.....


Special weather statement in effect for: Queens County Potential storm over the Maritimes at anytime this Fall and Winter . A storm will lik...