Sunday, June 29, 2008

Weekly Update - June 29

I kind of left things slide here on the blog this past week.It has been very hot and humid and I have been busy.I am thinking that I will just do a weekly recap at the end of each week for the summer unless a huge weather event is in the offing.
The past week was extremely hot with a lot of humidity up until Friday.Thursday was the hottest with afternoon temps hitting 40°C on my backyard thermometer.It began cooling down overnight on Thursday with some rain and Friday was mostly cloudy with the high only a little above 20°C.Saturday was much the same.
The rain was badly needed.There were quite a few woods fires in the province with one being not far from here.All are out now.
It is raining and a cool 13°C so far today.The rain is expected to stay with us until the mid-week and then it's back to sunshine and hot weather.Some of the local Canada Day activities on Tuesday may be rained out.The big annual event for Liverpool,Privateer Days,begins here on Thursday.I'll snap some pics of that for inclusion in the next entry.- ©Al C 2008

Watch our weather as it happens via our cam(s).Click here.
Note:The temps shown in the forecast block on the right are collected at the nearest local weather station located at Western Head which is very near the ocean.The temps there are quite different than hereusually.


Special weather statement in effect for: Queens County Potential storm over the Maritimes at anytime this Fall and Winter . A storm will lik...