Saturday, September 18, 2010

Conditions at 8:29 AM: 9.4C, Clear, Wind: NNW 5 km/h

18 September 2010

We had lots of rain and wind here yesterday morning with a little thunder thrown in just to make it interesting.22mm was measured at the Western Head weather station.The rain ended by noon and afternoon temps were near 20C.Clearing began overnight and temps dropped to the upper single digits.Temps are expected to remain seasonable for the next week however the forecast has been revised and showers are a possibility for tomorrow and into next week.

Hurricane Igor will be passing south of us on Monday and Tuesday.We will get a liittle wind and surf levels will be high but it will not have any significant impact here.


The  forecast for our area issued by Environment Canada :

(Normals: Max 18C / Min 9C)


Sunny. Fog patches early this morning. High 16 except 19 inland. UV index 6 or high.



Clear. Increasing cloudiness after midnight then 30 percent chance of drizzle or showers. Fog patches overnight. Low 11 except 7 inland.



Cloudy with 30 percent chance of drizzle or showers early in the morning. Clearing in the morning. High 16 except 19 inland.



Cloudy with 60 percent chance of showers. Low 14. High 17.



Today’s Weather Trivia:

18 September 1903:1903: Over 40 mm of rain curtailed mining operations around Dominion Creek, YK. Earlier there had been no water and no work. When rains did come, they created a tidal wave sweeping away wheelbarrows, packsaddles, and grub, and flooding mines. The rain damaged the Caribou Hotel's roof, in spite of last summer's efforts to waterproof it. One customer slept with an umbrella over his head.

  – Excerpt from 'The Canadian Weather Trivia Calendar' by David Phillips. © Environment Canada



Sky Events:

  • International Space Station (visible sighting):

There are no visible sightings until Sept 29.



  • The planet Mercury is farthest from the Sun for its current morning appearance over the next few days. It looks like a bright star. Even so, it is so low in the east at first light that it is tough to spot. Binoculars will enhance the view.




  • AURORA (‘Northern Lights’) WATCH: Auroral activity will be quiet.


Friday, September 17, 2010

Conditions at 7:23 AM: 15.4C, Rain, Wind: SSE 34 gust 43 km/h

17 September 2010

Yesterday was a nice day here with afternoon temps in the lower 20Cs and lots of sun.The wind was a little brisk but it wasn’t a chilling wind.Clouds began moving into the area in the evening and overnight it began to rain.Heavy rain is expected for today.Clearing is expected this evening and then we should be having a stretch of warm and dry weather lasting into next week.


The  forecast for our area issued by Environment Canada :

(Normals: Max 18C / Min 8C)


Rain at times heavy ending late this afternoon then cloudy. Risk of thundershowers. Amount 30 to 40 mm. Wind south 30 km/h gusting to 50 becoming southwest 20 gusting to 40 near noon then becoming north 20. High 17.



Clearing late this evening. Fog patches late this evening. Wind north 20 km/h becoming light this evening. Low 8.



Sunny. High 18.



A mix of sun and cloud. Low 11. High 20.



Today’s Weather Trivia:

17 September 1927: 1927: A violent gale swept across Manitoba's Lake Winnipeg at Grand and Victoria beaches. Five-metre breaker waves crashed on shore, heavy rains washed out railway tracks in 12 places, and cottagers were stranded. The waves undermined several small docks, and a breakwater was submerged under a metre of water. A special train was dispatched to Grand Beach to start repair work on the inundated roadbed.

  – Excerpt from 'The Canadian Weather Trivia Calendar' by David Phillips. © Environment Canada



Sky Events:

  • International Space Station (visible sighting):

There are no visible sightings tonight.



  • An object coming into view is a comet named Hartley 2. Currently in the constellation Andromeda, it is approaching magnitude 7, easily seen in binoculars. The October issue of the magazine Sky and Telescope has a detailed sky map with the path of Hartley 2 clearly delineated from August through October. October 1st will find the comet passing just below the brightest (southernmost) star in the "W" asterism of Cassiopeia. Eight days later, it will be gliding just below the previously mentioned double star cluster in Perseus. This small comet used to be quite far out in the Solar System and not visible from Earth, but two recent, sequential close encounters with the giant planet Jupiter moved it much closer to the Sun. As a result, Hartley 2 now approaches quite close to the Earth, about 11 million miles at closest approach on October 20th. At that time it will be about magnitude 5, moving rapidly just below the brilliant star Capella in the constellation Auriga. While not nearly as large or spectacular as Comet Hale-Bopp, it should be fascinating to observe this new visitor as it crosses our evening skies.





  • AURORA (‘Northern Lights’) WATCH: Auroral activity will be low.


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Conditions at 6:56 AM: 10.9C, Overcast, Wind: WNW 16 km/h

16 September 2010

We had a mix of everything yesterday with some rain,some thunder and some sun.Temps were varying between 17 and 20C depending on the conditions at the time.The showers ended in the evening and temps were cool.Overnight temps were near the single digits.

Clearing is expected today but tomorrow is looking like it will be quite stormy.Sunny and warm weather is forecast for the weekend.


The  forecast for our area issued by Environment Canada :

(Normals: Max 19C / Min 9C)


Sunny with cloudy periods. Wind becoming west 30 km/h this morning. High 17. UV index 6 or high.



Cloudy periods. Becoming cloudy near midnight. Rain at times heavy beginning overnight. Wind west 20 km/h becoming light near midnight. Low 10.



Rain at times heavy changing to showers in the afternoon and ending in the evening then cloudy. Risk of thundershowers late in the afternoon and early in the evening. Amount 30 mm. Wind becoming south 30 km/h gusting to 60 in the morning then southwest 20 in the evening. High 16.



Sunny. Low 9. High 20.



Today’s Weather Trivia:

16 September 1841:1841: During a severe thundershower, about 2 km northeast of Dunfermline, SK, small fishes fell from the clouds. Most of them were from 5 to 9 cm in length. Although they must have fallen a considerable distance, many were alive after the fall, jumping in the grass.

  – Excerpt from 'The Canadian Weather Trivia Calendar' by David Phillips. © Environment Canada



Sky Events:

  • International Space Station (visible sighting):

There are no visible sightings tonight.




  • A couple of hours after sunset, look high overhead for the Summer Triangle: the bright stars Vega, Deneb, and Altair. Vega is the brightest of the three. The stars will remain in good evening view throughout the fall – [Star Date Online]





  • AURORA (‘Northern Lights’) WATCH: Auroral activity will be low.


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Conditions at 7:47 AM: 14.8C, Overcast, Wind: WSW 5 km/h

15 September 2010
Yesterday was another seasonable day with temps in the upper
teens.There were a few occasional sprinkles in the evening.More rain is on
the way for today with the possibility of a thundershower.We should be back
into the sunshine tomorrow but more rain is expected on Friday.

The forecast for our area issued by Environment Canada :
(Normals: Max 19C / Min 10C)
A mix of sun and cloud. A few showers beginning late this morning. Risk of
thundershowers this afternoon. Amount 2 to 4 mm. Fog patches dissipating
this morning. Wind becoming southwest 20 km/h late this morning. High 17.
Cloudy periods. 60 percent chance of showers this evening and after midnight
with risk of thundershowers. Wind west 20 km/h. Low 10.
Sunny. Wind northwest 20 km/h. High 16.
Periods of rain. Low 12. High 17.

Today's Weather Trivia:
15 September2002: 2002: At Komoka, ON, lightning shook an entire house.
Battery-operated toys started up, just like Toyland. The lightning charred
and melted some toys and a stroller. A neighbour and the mother used any
liquids they could find, including milk and juice, to douse the flames. The
electrical energy from the lightning strike likely charged the air and the
house contents with static electricity.
– Excerpt from 'The Canadian Weather Trivia Calendar' by David Phillips. ©
Environment Canada

Sky Events:
• International Space Station (visible sighting):
There are no visible sightings tonight.

• A couple of hours after sunset, look high overhead for the Summer
Triangle: the bright stars Vega, Deneb, and Altair. Vega is the brightest of
the three. The stars will remain in good evening view throughout the fall –
[Star Date Online]

• AURORA ('Northern Lights') WATCH: Auroral activity will be moderate.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Conditions at 6:56 AM: 14.6C | Overcast | Wind: WSW 9 km/h

14 September 2010
Yesterday cool and a little wet with some showers in the late
afternoon.The high for the day was 19C.The evening was cool with a few more
showers.Overnight the showers ended but more are possible today and
tomorrow.Some clearing is expected later tomorrow.

The forecast for our area issued by Environment Canada :
(Normals: Max 19C / Min 10C)
Cloudy with 70 percent chance of showers. Fog patches dissipating this
morning. Wind becoming south 20 km/h this afternoon. High 17. UV index 4 or
Cloudy with 70 percent chance of showers. Fog patches developing this
evening. Wind south 20 km/h becoming light this evening. Low 11.
A mix of sun and cloud. 60 percent chance of showers in the morning. Wind
becoming west 20 km/h in the morning. High 15.
A mix of sun and cloud. Low 9. High 16.

Today's Weather Trivia:
14 September 1917: 1917: In Quebec City, QC, a fierce gale and whitecaps on
the St. Lawrence River welcomed 100s of visitors arriving to witness the
raising of a new bridge span. High tide was ideal for transporting and
raising the structure, but a calm river was needed to transfer the span from
the pontoons it was built upon to the site. Operations were postponed for a
day, despite the loss of some tidal advantage.
– Excerpt from 'The Canadian Weather Trivia Calendar' by David Phillips. ©
Environment Canada

Sky Events:
• International Space Station (visible sighting):
There are no visible sightings tonight.

• The Moon is at first quarter late tonight. Sunlight will illuminate
exactly one-half of the lunar hemisphere that faces Earth. The sunlit
portion of the Moon will continue to grow until the Moon is full on
September 23. – [Star Date Online]

• AURORA ('Northern Lights') WATCH: Auroral activity will be moderate.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Conditions at 6:53 AM: 12.9C | Overcast | Wind: NE 10 km/h

13 September 2010
Yesterday was another seasonal day with temps near 20C,some sun,some
cloud and light winds.The evening was cool with increasing
cloudiness.Overnight the temps dropped to the low double digits.Rain and
clouds are expected for most of this week with no clearing expected until
late in the week.

The forecast for our area issued by Environment Canada :
(Normals: Max 19C / Min 10C)
Cloudy with 40 percent chance of showers or drizzle. High 16. UV index 4 or
Showers or periods of drizzle. Fog patches overnight. Low 12.
Showers. Amount 5 mm. High 15.
Cloudy. Low 13. High 17.

Today's Weather Trivia:
13 September1924: 1924: The village of Baie-Saint-Paul, QC, looked as if an
earthquake had struck. Intense rains flooded the region. Fast-flowing waters
took out a bridge under construction on the Rivière du Gouffre. Five other
nearby bridges were also demolished. A father of 14 children, upon learning
of the destruction of his family's home, suffered a fatal heart attack.
– Excerpt from 'The Canadian Weather Trivia Calendar' by David Phillips. ©
Environment Canada

Sky Events:
• International Space Station (visible sighting):
Date: Monday, September 13, 2010

Time: 08:06 PM

Duration: 3 minutes

Maximum Elevation: 35°

Approach: 29° above WSW

Departure: 16° above SSE

• Antares, the brightest star of Scorpius, the scorpion, stands just to the
left of the Moon as night falls. The star shines bright orange, indicating
that its surface is relatively cool. It's also one of the biggest and
heaviest stars in the galaxy. – [Star Date Online]

• AURORA ('Northern Lights') WATCH: Auroral activity will be low.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Conditions at 8:39 AM: 14.7C | Clear | Wind: NNW 12 km/h

12 September 2010
There's not much to report today other than yesterday was a
seasonable day here with temps near 20C.The evening was mild and dry.Some
showers are on the way for the next few days.

The forecast for our area issued by Environment Canada :
(Normals: Max 19C / Min 10C)
Sunny with cloudy periods. Increasing cloudiness this morning with 30
percent chance of showers late this morning and this afternoon. Wind
becoming northeast 20 km/h this morning. High 18. UV index 5 or moderate.
Cloudy. Low 9.
Cloudy with 30 percent chance of showers. High 17.
Periods of rain. Low 13. High 17.

Today's Weather Trivia:
12 September 1952: Wind, rain, and hail combined to wreak havoc on
crops in the Oak Lake, MB, area. The storm shattered windows, ripped a metal
garage from its foundation, and cut hydro-electric services. In some places,
hail lay 8 cm deep. At Fork River, MB, lightning severely damaged a Federal
Grain company building. A volunteer bucket brigade saved a grain elevator
from catching fire.
– Excerpt from 'The Canadian Weather Trivia Calendar' by David Phillips. ©
Environment Canada

Sky Events:
• International Space Station (visible sighting):
There will be no visible sightings for the next few days.

• This is a great time of year to watch the Milky Way -- the glowing band of
stars that outlines the disk of our home galaxy. As the Moon sets around 9
or 10 p.m., the Milky Way arcs high overhead. But you need dark skies to see
it. – [Star Date Online]

• AURORA ('Northern Lights') WATCH: Auroral activity will be quiet.


Special weather statement in effect for: Queens County Potential storm over the Maritimes at anytime this Fall and Winter . A storm will lik...