Sunday, July 17, 2016

Hot !

It's been very hot here over the past week.Daytime highs have been in the 30°C range and the humidity from the Atlantic has been high.Luckily for us here on the coast ,the ocean breezes help to cool it down at night so no issues with getting a good night's sleep here.
More of the same is expected this week with only a few chances of some slight precip so I would expect that the camp fire bans will soon be re-instituted.

There's not a whole lot going on in the night sky at present...just a few Iridium flares,some early morning space station passes and the odd,stray meteor.The full moon is on the 19th so seeing the dimmer objects is not easy in the moonlight.
Iridium flare ,July 13th
Last night's almost full moon through the trees.

Things to look for this week if you have clear night time skies:

All for now.



Special weather statement in effect for: Queens County Potential storm over the Maritimes at anytime this Fall and Winter . A storm will lik...