Sunday, October 25, 2015

3 morning planets and this weeks's astronmy hi-lites

Nice view of 3 planets (taken Oct 19th) .They will continue to dominate the
eastern pre-dawn sky for the next week or so .

Other upcoming sky events this week:
A newly found asteroid of notable size - known as asteroid 2015 TB145 - will
safely pass Earth on October 31, 2015. It should be visible moving in front
of the stars, with the help of a telescope, the night before. It is the
biggest known asteroid that will come near Earth until 2027. The asteroid -
found as recently as October 10 - will fly past Earth at a safe distance, or
about 1.3 times the moon's distance. Closest approach to Earth will be
October 31 at 2 p.m. ADT
More info here:

October 25: Sheratan
Sheratan, the second-brightest star of Aries, the ram, is low in the east as
night falls this evening, far to the left of the Moon. To the eye alone, the
star looks like a single pinpoint of light, yet Sheratan actually is a
system of two stars.

October 26: Hunter's Moon
The Hunter's Moon strides boldly across the sky tonight. It is the first
full Moon after the Harvest Moon - a bit of skylore inherited from some
older cultures of Europe and the Americas.

October 27: Clusters
The two most prominent star clusters in the night sky are in good view on
autumn evenings. The V-shaped Hyades cluster outlines the face of Taurus,
the bull, while the smaller, dipper-shaped Pleiades cluster represents his

October 28: The Plow
Ursa Major hunkers low in the north on autumn evenings. Americans see its
brightest stars as the Big Dipper. In England, though, these stars are seen
as a plow. October is a good time to visualize a plow because it stands just
above the horizon.

October 29: Moon and Aldebaran
Aldebaran, the bright orange star that represents the eye of Taurus, the
bull, stands close to the upper right of the Moon as they climb into good
view in late evening.

October 30: Halloween Star
Algol, a star whose name means "the demon," creeps up the northeastern sky
this evening. It's actually a close pair of stars in which one is
cannibalizing the other. The system is in Perseus, the hero, which is in the
northeast at nightfall.

October 31: Halloween Dragon
A dragon haunts the night sky: the constellation Draco. Its coils wrap
around Polaris, the North Star. In mythology, it guarded a golden apple tree
for Hera, the queen of the gods. As a reward for its service, Hera placed
the dragon in the stars.

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Special weather statement in effect for: Queens County Potential storm over the Maritimes at anytime this Fall and Winter . A storm will lik...