Saturday, October 30, 2010

Conditions at 6:53 AM: 7.4C, Overcast, Wind: W 20 gust 33 km/h

30 October 2010

We had a typical Autumn day here yesterday with cool temps along with some sun and cloud.Afternoon temps were a little above normal at 15C.The evening was overcast and damp with some drizzle and fog.

The warm weather this past week is now history and we will be in a cooler system for the next week or so.Some showers are expected today and tomorrow,evening temps will be close to freezing.

The website @ has been updated and some features added.You can now listen to the local WeatherRadio Canada b-cast on the site as it is received here.We also hope to be adding our 'low light cam' to the site soon.

The forecast for our area issued by Environment Canada :

(Normals: Max 10C / Min 3C)


Cloudy with sunny periods. 60 percent chance of showers this morning and early this afternoon. Wind becoming northwest 20 km/h early this morning then west 30 gusting to 50 near noon. Temperature steady near 7.


Cloudy periods. 60 percent chance of showers this evening. Wind west 30 km/h gusting to 50 becoming light overnight. Low plus 3.


Cloudy. A few showers beginning in the morning. High plus 5.


Cloudy. Low plus 2. High 7.

Today’s Weather Trivia:

30 October 1921:1921: A nor'easter ravaged the Newfoundland coast. At Harbor Breton, the storm destroyed 3 churches and felled telegraph lines. A badly damaged schooner lost her captain and 1 crew, and the dozens on board abandoned her at Pilley's Island. Many lost all their gear and their proceeds from last summer's fishing on the Labrador coast. They had to complete their journey by mail steamer and train. – Excerpt from 'The Canadian Weather Trivia Calendar' by David Phillips. © Environment Canada

Sky Events:

ISS visible sightings:

Date: Saturday, October 30, 2010

Time: 07:34 PM Duration: 2 minutes Maximum Elevation: 51° Approach: 29° above W Departure: 36° above NNE

A demon star will look down on trick-or-treaters tomorrow night. It is called Algol, from the Arabic name Ras al Ghul, which means "head of the demon." It is in the constellation Perseus, the hero, which climbs the eastern sky during the evening hours.

AURORA (‘Northern Lights’) WATCH: Auroral activity will be quiet.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Conditions at 6:47 AM: 10.8C, Partly clear, Wind: NNE 3 km/h

29 October 2010

Yesterday was like a summer day here with sunshine and temps near 20C.The temps remained mild in the evening but there was some fog and drizzle.The overnight hours saw some clearing with temps remaining warm and near the seasonal high rather than the low.

Things are about to change quite dramatically over the next few days with flurries a possibility on Sunday.

The forecast for our area issued by Environment Canada :

(Normals: Max 10C / Min 3C)


A mix of sun and cloud. Becoming cloudy this morning. Fog patches early this morning. Wind becoming northwest 20 km/h this morning. High 13.


Cloudy. Becoming cloudy periods near midnight. Wind becoming northwest 20 km/h after midnight. Low plus 5.


Cloudy with sunny periods. 40 percent chance of showers in the morning. 60 percent chance of showers in the evening. Wind northwest 20 km/h becoming west 30 gusting to 50 in the morning. High 9.


Cloudy with 40 percent chance of rain showers or flurries. Low plus 2. High plus 3.

Today’s Weather Trivia:

29 October 1846:1846: About six o'clock, during a snowstorm, there fell at Carleton, NB, near the residence of Mr. Tilton, a large shower of red angle worms. Thousands could be seen alive on the top of the snow; they were from 10 to 12 cm in length. [From The Gleaner in Miramichi, NB] – Excerpt from 'The Canadian Weather Trivia Calendar' by David Phillips. © Environment Canada

Sky Events:

ISS visible sightings:

Date: Friday, October 29, 2010

Time: 07:06 PM - Duration: 4 minutes - Maximum Elevation: 55° - Approach: 16° above SW - Departure: 23° above ENE

Pegasus, the winged horse, stands high overhead around 10 p.m. Four bright stars that form a large square mark his body. If you hold your fists side by side at arm's length, they will fit nicely into the Great Square.

AURORA (‘Northern Lights’) WATCH: Auroral activity will be quiet.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Conditions at 6:37 AM: 17.6C, Overcast, Wind: SW 14 km/h

28 October 2010

We had lots of rain here yesterday with some very heavy showers throughout the day and into the evening.Almost 50mm was measured at the local weather station.Temps were well above the seasonal normal with 16C for the high.Overnight the temps actually rose slightly and it is abnormally warm here this morning.Today is expected to be another mild day and only a few showers are expected.Tomorrow will be a little cooler and a change to more seasonable temps is expected over the weekend.

The forecast for our area issued by Environment Canada :

(Normals: Max 11C / Min 3C)


A few showers ending this afternoon then cloudy. Amount 2 to 4 mm. Fog patches retreating to the coast this morning. Wind southwest 20 km/h gusting to 40. High 15.


Cloudy. Becoming cloudy periods this evening. Fog patches dissipating late this evening. Wind southwest 20 km/h gusting to 40 becoming light overnight. Low 9.


A mix of sun and cloud. Becoming cloudy late in the morning. High 13.


A mix of sun and cloud. Low 6. High 7.

Today’s Weather Trivia:

28 October 1921:1921: Forty people died in Britannia Beach, BC, in some of the most disastrous flooding in history. Half of the 110 freshly-painted cottages were washed away on the crest of the flood. Survivors said that the worst part of the disaster was the crying of the injured or bewildered villagers. One man climbed onto the roof of his house, which was bobbing about in Howe Sound. – Excerpt from 'The Canadian Weather Trivia Calendar' by David Phillips. © Environment Canada

Sky Events:

ISS visible sightings:

Date: Thursday, October 28, 2010 Time: 06:41 PM Duration: 2 minutes Maximum Elevation: 18° Approach: 16° above SSE Departure: 15° above ESE

Time: 08:15 PM Duration: Less than 1 minute Maximum Elevation: 30° Approach: 19° above WSW Departure: 30° above W

The planet Venus will pass between Earth and the Sun today, so it is lost from view in the Sun's glare. It will return to view in a few days as the brilliant "morning star." Look for it climbing away from the Sun for the rest of the year.

AURORA (‘Northern Lights’) WATCH: Auroral activity will be low.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Conditions at 6:37 AM: 12.8C, Fog, Wind: E 12 km/h

27 October 2010

Yesterday started out with some very heavy showers which ended in the mid morning.The rest of the day was cloudy with some periods of drizzle and temps well above seasonal normals.The high here was near 18C.Temps remained mild through the evening and it was very foggy.The fog is still with us this morning and more showers are expected throughout today.Temps are expected to be above normal again and heavy rain is expected tonight

The forecast for our area issued by Environment Canada :

(Normals: Max 11C / Min 3C)


Cloudy. 40 percent chance of drizzle early this morning. A few showers or drizzle beginning this morning. Risk of thundershowers this afternoon. Fog patches. Wind becoming south 20 km/h gusting to 40 near noon. High 16.


Rain. Risk of thundershowers this evening. Amount 15 to 25 mm. Fog patches. Wind southwest 30 km/h gusting to 50 becoming light after midnight. Low 12.


Cloudy. 40 percent chance of showers in the morning. Becoming cloudy periods in the afternoon. Fog patches retreating to the coast in the morning. Wind becoming southwest 20 km/h in the morning. High 15.


Showers. Low 11. High 13.

Today’s Weather Trivia:

27 October 1837:1837: A squall struck the steamboat Bytown in the Kingston, ON, harbour, driving her onto the beach and shattering her cabin windows. Waves then swept away the ladies cabin, Captain's office, promenade deck, and everything aft of the wheel houses. She was raised and repaired but for the rest of the season had no ladies cabin. Also swept away was a parcel of Commercial Bank notes ($1,000 or so). – Excerpt from 'The Canadian Weather Trivia Calendar' by David Phillips. © Environment Canada

Sky Events:

ISS visible sightings:

Date: Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Time: 07:48 PM

Duration: 2 minutes

Maximum Elevation: 43°

Approach: 16° above SW

Departure: 43° above S

The two most prominent star clusters in the night sky are in good view on autumn evenings. The V-shaped Hyades cluster outlines the face of Taurus, the bull, while the smaller, dipper-shaped Pleiades cluster represents his shoulder.

AURORA (‘Northern Lights’) WATCH: Auroral activity will be quiet.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Conditions at 6:35 AM: 15.3C, Overcast w/ rain, Wind: SSW 19 km/h

26 October 2010

It was overcast here all day yesterday with the temps in the lower double digits.There was very little change in the evening and temps actually rose to the mid teens overnight.Rain began through the early hours this morning and was quite heavy by times.More rain is expected today and for the next couple of days.The revised forecast has some possible clearing by Friday.Temps will be slightly above seasonal norms.

The forecast for our area issued by Environment Canada :

(Normals: Max 11C / Min 3C)


Periods of rain ending near noon then cloudy with 40 percent chance of showers. Risk of thundershowers this morning. Amount 20 mm. Fog patches dissipating near noon. Wind southwest 20 km/h. High 15.


Cloudy with 40 percent chance of showers this evening and after midnight. Periods of rain beginning overnight. Fog patches developing this evening. Low 11.


Periods of rain ending in the morning then cloudy with 60 percent chance of drizzle or showers. Showers beginning in the evening. Risk of thundershowers in the afternoon. Amount 5 to 10 mm. Fog patches. Wind becoming southwest 20 km/h gusting to 40 near noon. High 16.


Periods of rain. Low 12. High 14.

Today’s Weather Trivia:

26 October 1851:1851: A gale with rain, snow, and freezing rain assaulted the Bay of Chaleur, at Miramichi, NB. Several vessels lying in Paspebiac were driven ashore and destroyed. One ship tried to ride the storm with 4 anchors cast and top masts lowered but near midnight broke away from her anchors and was pushed ashore. Trees, fences, and telegraph poles were felled and wharves were damaged by high tides. – Excerpt from 'The Canadian Weather Trivia Calendar' by David Phillips. © Environment Canada

Sky Events:

ISS visible sightings:

Date: Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Time: 07:48 PM

Duration: 2 minutes

Maximum Elevation: 43°

Approach: 16° above SW

Departure: 43° above S

The star Aldebaran, the orange "eye" of Taurus, the bull, lines up well to the right of the Moon as they rise late this evening. Aldebaran is more than 40 times wider than the Sun, thousands of degrees cooler, and about 70 percent more massive.

AURORA (‘Northern Lights’) WATCH: Auroral activity will be low.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Conditions at 7:29 AM: 5.5C, Overcast, Wind: calm

25 October 2010

Yesterday was a fairly nice day here with temps in the lower double digits along with a fair amount of sunshine.The sky remained mostly clear in the evening with temps dropping to the mid single digits.

Overnight the sky clouded up ahead of some stormy weather.We won’t be seeing any sunshine this week with rain,showers and clouds expected from now until next Sunday.

The forecast for our area issued by Environment Canada :

(Normals: Max 11C / Min 3C)


Cloudy with sunny periods. 40 percent chance of showers early this morning. High 10.


Cloudy. Periods of rain beginning before morning. Fog patches developing overnight. Temperature steady near 10.


Periods of rain ending near noon then cloudy. Amount 5 to 10 mm. Fog patches. Wind southwest 20 km/h becoming light early in the evening. High 16.


Cloudy with 60 percent chance of showers. Low 11. High 16.

Today’s Weather Trivia:

25 October 1933:1933: The stormy waters of Lake Winnipeg (MB) held fast the fate of 26 persons aboard 2 lake fishing boats, their whereabouts unreported for 5 days. Snow-laden winds converted inshore craft into miniature icebergs. Search planes were used to locate the 2 vessels, believed to be frozen in somewhere.– Excerpt from 'The Canadian Weather Trivia Calendar' by David Phillips. © Environment Canada

Sky Events:

ISS visible sightings:

Date: Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Time: 07:23 PM

Duration: Less than 1 minute

Maximum Elevation: 16°

Approach: 15° above SSE

Departure: 16° above SE

The bright "eye" of Taurus, the bull, winks up at the Moon tonight. Aldebaran is to the lower right of the Moon as it rises around 9 p.m., and to the lower left of the Moon at first light tomorrow.

AURORA (‘Northern Lights’) WATCH: Auroral activity will be low.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Conditions at 8:30AM:6.7C,Overcast,Wind W 9km/h

24 October 2010

Yesterday was a sunny but cool day with temps in the upper single digits along with a brisk northerly wind.The evening was calm and there was only a slight drop in temps.

This morning it is calm and cool and conditions will be similar to yesterday.Warming up on Tuesday with rain on the way.

The forecast issued by Environment Canada:

Clearing this morning. Wind northwest 20 km/h gusting to 40. High 11. UV index 3 or moderate.

Clear. Increasing cloudiness overnight. Wind northwest 20 km/h gusting to 40 becoming west 20 this evening then light overnight. Low plus 4 except minus 1 in low lying inland areas.

Cloudy. 40 percent chance of showers in the morning. High 11.

Rain. Low 8. High 14.

Look in the northeast this evening for a flattened "W" floating through the Milky Way. The W consists of the five brightest stars of Cassiopeia, the queen. In mythology, Cassiopeia was the wife of Cepheus, the king of Ethiopia.


Special weather statement in effect for: Queens County Potential storm over the Maritimes at anytime this Fall and Winter . A storm will lik...