Saturday, May 28, 2016

Clear skies.....

are few and far between here but one has to take advantage when they happen.
We had two partially clear nights earlier this 'all night sky cam' showed the fog rolling in round 1 or 2AM both days,though.
Anyways,the ISS is quite bright as it passes over us currently.Check it out.Schedule is found here: or on your Android device via ISS Tracker.

A few pics:
                                                       ISS - 2.5 minute exposure

                                           A small meteor caught by the 'all night sky cam'

                          And....try to pick Hercules out in the late evening eastern sky

According to the forecast,it looks like the next best night for sky viewing will be Wednesday night.

Have a good one.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

This and That

There's not much going on around here lately....more rain and clouds than sun and clear skies.
We did get a clear night from the 20th thru the 21st but the moon was almost full.Did manage to capture the first ISS pass that night using my Canon PowerShot A-610 running the CHDK enhancing software.For those not familiar with CHDK and you have an old Canon,check it out,it breathes new life into those point and shoot cameras.The max setting on the A-610 is ISO 400, f/2.82, 15 seconds....not the best for night sky shooting.With CHDK,the exposure time is basically unlimited,effective ISO can go as high as 1600....actually higher but the CCD sensor can't handle it.
On top of that,there are auto shooting parameters that work very well.I set my camera up on a self manufactured mono-pole,power the camera with an external power supply,lock the remote shutter release in burst mode and let it shoot away all night.Just have to collect it in the morning and go through the shots to see what it saw while I was sleeping like this one:

More info on CHDK is found here.

Anyways,going by the weather forecast for this week,there won't be any sky shooting happening here:

On the off chance that the forecast get revised to better conditions,here are a few things to look for in the night sky:

BTW,the hummingbirds arrived a week or so ago.Got this pic in Lunenburg Co a little over a week ago:

Until next time......have a good one.
Follow me on Twitter: Al_In_NS


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