15 May 2010
Conditions in Liverpool,NS at 6:49:30 AM : 6.3°C | Overcast | Wind: SW 17 km/h
(Normals: Max: 15°C Min: 5°C)
It was quite warm here yesterday with afternoon temps in the mid-20°Cs along with lots of sunshine.The evening was overcast but remained mild with the temps around 12°C.
This morning it is still overcast and some showers are expected today.There are none showing up on the radar yet and they may not happen here at all.It's back to sunshine tomorrow and temps are expected to be within the normal range.
The 3 day forecast for our area issued by Environment Canada:
· Today -- Cloudy. 60 percent chance of showers this morning. Showers beginning early this afternoon. Amount 2 to 4 mm. Fog patches dissipating this morning. Wind becoming northeast 20 km/h this afternoon. High 13. UV index 3 or moderate.
· Tonight -- Cloudy periods. 30 percent chance of showers this evening. Wind northeast 20 km/h becoming light this evening. Low plus 3.
· Sunday -- Sunny. Increasing cloudiness in the afternoon. Wind becoming northwest 20 km/h gusting to 40 in the afternoon. High 15.
· Monday -- A mix of sun and cloud. Low 7. High 13.
Today's Weather Trivia:
May 15,1917: Near Wainwright, AB, a funnel-shaped wind hoisted a small shack off its foundation and whirled it some 3 m above the ground. During the cyclone, the air was filled with sticks, stones, glass, and other missiles. When the shack landed, 5 people were buried under the debris but escaped unharmed, apart from a few bruises and a bad scare. The father/husband was pinned under the stove. – Excerpt from 'The Canadian Weather Trivia Calendar' by David Phillips. © Environment
Sky Events:
The space shuttle Atlantis is scheduled to launch @ 3:20PM ADT today
- Date: Saturday, May 15, 2010
- Time: 09:02 PM
- Duration: 3 minutes
- Maximum Elevation: 52°
- Approach: 36° above W
- Departure: 15° above SE
- Date: Saturday, May 15, 2010
- Time: 09:19 PM
- Duration: 2 minutes
- Maximum Elevation: 25°
- Approach: 17° above W
- Departure: 17° above S
Venus, the dazzling "evening star," stands to the upper left of the Moon this evening. A star known as El Nath, "the butting one," is about the same distance to the Moon's upper right. It represents the tip of one of the horns of Taurus, the bull. – [Star Date Online]
--AL C
Editor/Webmaster for
The Liverpool Weather Cam