Saturday, May 15, 2010

Liverpool,Nova Scotia - Cloudy. 60 percent chance of showers this morning. Showers beginning early this afternoon.

15 May 2010

Conditions in Liverpool,NS at 6:49:30 AM : 6.3°C | Overcast | Wind: SW 17 km/h

 (Normals: Max: 15°C Min: 5°C)

            It was quite warm here yesterday with afternoon temps in the mid-20°Cs along with lots of sunshine.The evening was overcast but remained mild with the temps around 12°C.

This morning it is still overcast and some showers are expected today.There are none showing up on the radar yet and they may not happen here at all.It's back to sunshine tomorrow and temps are expected to be within the normal range.

The 3 day forecast for our area issued by Environment Canada:

·         Today -- Cloudy. 60 percent chance of showers this morning. Showers beginning early this afternoon. Amount 2 to 4 mm. Fog patches dissipating this morning. Wind becoming northeast 20 km/h this afternoon. High 13. UV index 3 or moderate.

·         Tonight -- Cloudy periods. 30 percent chance of showers this evening. Wind northeast 20 km/h becoming light this evening. Low plus 3.

·         Sunday -- Sunny. Increasing cloudiness in the afternoon. Wind becoming northwest 20 km/h gusting to 40 in the afternoon. High 15.

·         Monday -- A mix of sun and cloud. Low 7. High 13.


Today's Weather Trivia:

May 15,1917: Near Wainwright, AB, a funnel-shaped wind hoisted a small shack off its foundation and whirled it some 3 m above the ground. During the cyclone, the air was filled with sticks, stones, glass, and other missiles. When the shack landed, 5 people were buried under the debris but escaped unharmed, apart from a few bruises and a bad scare. The father/husband was pinned under the stove. – Excerpt from 'The Canadian Weather Trivia Calendar' by David Phillips. © Environment Canada

Sky Events:

The space shuttle Atlantis is scheduled to launch @ 3:20PM ADT today


  • Date: Saturday, May 15, 2010
  • Time: 09:02 PM
  • Duration: 3 minutes
  • Maximum Elevation: 52°
  • Approach: 36° above W
  • Departure: 15° above SE


  • Date: Saturday, May 15, 2010
  • Time: 09:19 PM
  • Duration: 2 minutes
  • Maximum Elevation: 25°
  • Approach: 17° above W
  • Departure: 17° above S


Venus, the dazzling "evening star," stands to the upper left of the Moon this evening. A star known as El Nath, "the butting one," is about the same distance to the Moon's upper right. It represents the tip of one of the horns of Taurus, the bull. – [Star Date Online]




--AL C
Editor/Webmaster for
The Liverpool Weather Cam

Friday, May 14, 2010

Liverpool,Nova Scotia - Sunny with cloudy periods. Wind becoming northwest 20 km/h this morning. High 17.

14 May 2010

Conditions in Liverpool,NS at 6:46:57 AM : 6.5°C | Partly clear | Wind: W 14 km/h

 (Normals: Max: 15°C Min: 5°C)

            Yesterday was sunny and fairly warm with temps reaching to +17°C but we still had the northerly breeze and that made it feel cooler.The evening was clear and cool with temps in the single digits.

            Today is expected to be sunny and warm,cooler temps and rain are expected for the weekend.

The 3 day forecast for our area issued by Environment Canada:

·         Today -- Sunny with cloudy periods. Wind becoming northwest 20 km/h this morning. High 17. UV index 6 or high.

·         Tonight -- A few clouds. Increasing cloudiness after midnight then 60 percent chance of showers. Fog patches developing overnight. Low plus 3.

·         Saturday -- Showers ending late in the day then clearing. Amount 5 mm. Fog patches dissipating early in the morning Wind becoming north 20 km/h late in the day. High 9.

·         Sunday -- A mix of sun and cloud with 40 percent chance of showers. Low plus 2. High 14.

Today's Weather Trivia:

May 14,1951: Lightning struck the roof of an unoccupied farmhouse in the district of Dunleath, SK. The bolt twisted the walls, reduced furniture to rubbish, and scorched every electrical wall switch. Every window was blown outwards, scattering glass 100 m. A cabinet's doors were broken into fine splinters and china and glassware dumped nearby. Trinkets and photos sitting 1 m away were untouched. – Excerpt from 'The Canadian Weather Trivia Calendar' by David Phillips. © Environment Canada

Sky Events:

The space shuttle Atlantis is scheduled to launch @ 3:20PM ADT today


  • Date: Friday, May 14, 2010
  • Time: 10:12 PM
  • Duration: 2 minutes
  • Maximum Elevation: 19°
  • Approach: 16° above WSW
  • Departure: 17° above SSW



  • Date: Friday, May 14, 2010
  • Time: 09:38 PM
  • Duration: 2 minutes
  • Maximum Elevation: 29°
  • Approach: 19° above W
  • Departure: 18° above SSE 

One of the most impressive stellar nurseries in the galaxy, Cepheus B, is in the northeast this evening. Although you need a telescope to see it, the nursery contains thousands of newborn stars, plus the raw ingredients for thousands more. – [Star Date Online]




--AL C
Editor/Webmaster for
The Liverpool Weather Cam

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Liverpool,Nova Scotia - Sunny. Wind becoming northwest 20 km/h this morning. High 14.

13 May 2010

Conditions in Liverpool,NS at 6:49:41 AM : 4.1°C | Clear | Wind: NW 14 km/h

 (Normals: Max: 15°C Min: 5°C)

            It wasn't too bad here yesterday with the high reaching to about +17°C.The wind was northerly and had a chill to it,though.Today and tomorrow are expected to be similar and then it's looking like rain and cooler temps for the weekend.

The 3 day forecast for our area issued by Environment Canada:

·         Today -- Sunny. Wind becoming northwest 20 km/h this morning. High 14. UV index 7 or high.

·         Tonight -- Clear. Wind northwest 20 km/h gusting to 40 becoming light this evening. Low plus 4.

·         Friday -- Sunny. Becoming cloudy periods in the evening. High 16.

·         Saturday -- Showers. Low plus 4 High 7.


Today's Weather Trivia:

May 13,2005: A fierce battle between warm summer-like air south of Lake Erie and much cooler air to the north in Ontario culminated in the explosion of severe thunderstorms over southern Ontario. In Rodney, 100-km/h straight-line wind gusts blew tractor-trailers off the road and uprooted several pine trees. – Excerpt from 'The Canadian Weather Trivia Calendar' by David Phillips. © Environment Canada

Sky Events:


1. Date: Thursday, May 13, 2010

Time: 09:47 PM

Duration: 3 minutes

Maximum Elevation: 55°

Approach: 30° above W

Departure: 24° above SE



The Moon is "new" today at 8:04 p.m. CDT, as it crosses the imaginary line between Earth and Sun. It is lost in the Sun's glare, but will return to view as a thin crescent quite low in the west early Saturday evening.-- [StarDate Online | Weekly Stargazing Tips]


--AL C
Editor/Webmaster for
The Liverpool Weather Cam

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Liverpool.Nova Sotia - Sunny with cloudy periods. Fog patches dissipating early this morning. High 13.

12 May 2010

Conditions in Liverpool,NS at 7:03:44 AM : 2.0°C | Clear | Wind: WNW 10 km/h

 (Normals: Max: 15°C Min: 4°C)

            We didn't see very much sun here yesterday but temps did manage to reach to almost +13°C.The sky finally began to clear in the evening but the temps took a nosedive and were near 0° overnight.It should warm up considerably today and it's looking good for the next 4 or 5 days.The only bump in the road is a chance of showers on Saturday.

The 3 day forecast for our area issued by Environment Canada:

·         Today -- Sunny with cloudy periods. Fog patches dissipating early this morning. High 13. UV index 7 or high.

·         Tonight -- Cloudy periods. 40 percent chance of showers overnight. Low plus 4.

·         Thursday -- Clearing in the morning. Wind becoming northwest 20 km/h in the morning. High 14.

·         Friday -- Sunny. Low plus 5. High 16.

Today's Weather Trivia:

May 12,1882: Prince Edward Island had come through one of longest, snowiest winters in living memory. In eastern King's County, there was so much snow that people were still using sleighs to get around. It started snowing on October 5 and ended on May 15. Total snowfall amounted to 526 cm, about 155% of normal. Especially noteworthy was the 271 cm of snow in January and February, inclusive. – Excerpt from 'The Canadian Weather Trivia Calendar' by David Phillips. © Environment Canada

Sky Events:


1. Date: Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Time: 09:23 PM

Duration: 3 minutes

Maximum Elevation: 53°

Approach: 36° above NNW

Departure: 16° above E


2. Date: Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Time: 10:58 PM

Duration: Less than 1 minute

Maximum Elevation: 16°

Approach: 16° above WSW

Departure: 16° above WSW


Although it is the combined light of millions of stars, the Milky Way is so faint that almost any artificial light source blocks the view. To see the Milky Way, get away from city lights, then look low in the east not long after twilight ends.-- [StarDate Online | Weekly Stargazing Tips]


--AL C
Editor/Webmaster for
The Liverpool Weather Cam

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Liverpool,Nova Scotia - A few showers ending this morning then cloudy with sunny periods.

11 May 2010

Conditions in Liverpool,NS at 7:54:49 AM : 6.4°C | Overcast | Wind: NW 15 km/h

 (Normals: Max: 15°C Min: 4°C)

            Yesterday was drizzly and cool here with the high temp barely making it to +12°C.The sun was a no-show and today is not looking much better.It appears that we will have another grey and cool day.Better weather is expected to move into the area tomorrow and conditions will steadily improve as we get closer to the weekend.

The 3 day forecast for our area issued by Environment Canada:

·         Today -- A few showers ending this morning then cloudy with sunny periods. High 10. UV index 5 or moderate.

·         Tonight -- Cloudy with 30 percent chance of showers early this evening. Clearing late this evening. Low plus 3 except minus 1 in low lying inland areas.

·         Wednesday -- Sunny with cloudy periods. High 13.

·         Thursday -- Sunny. Low plus 3. High 15.


Today's Weather Trivia:

May 11,2004: A wicked Colorado storm dumped mounds of wet snow from Calgary, AB, to Kenora, ON. Farmers welcomed the moisture, but for weary city folk, it was like winter all over again. Snowplows were brought out of storage to clear blocked city streets. The long line-ups of deserted cars and trucks on the Trans-Canada Highway for about 2 days cost the Canadian transportation sector millions of dollars. – Excerpt from 'The Canadian Weather Trivia Calendar' by David Phillips. © Environment Canada

Sky Events:


1. Date: Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Time: 08:58 PM

Duration: 3 minutes

Maximum Elevation: 28°

Approach: 22° above NNW

Departure: 16° above ENE


2. Date: Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Time: 10:33 PM

Duration: 2 minutes

Maximum Elevation: 56°

Approach: 19° above WNW

Departure: 56° above SW


Virgo is well up in the southeast as darkness falls, marked by its brightest star, Spica. Another of Virgo's stars, Gamma Virginis, stands above it. Gamma Virginis is a binary system, and both of its stars shine pure white.-- [StarDate Online | Weekly Stargazing Tips]







--AL C
Editor/Webmaster for
The Liverpool Weather Cam

Monday, May 10, 2010

Liverpool,Nova Scotia - Cloudy with sunny periods and 30 percent chance of showers.

10 May 2010

Conditions in Liverpool,NS at 7:05:05 AM : 7.2°C | Overcast | Wind: WSW 15 km/h

 (Normals: Max: 14°C Min: 4°C)

            Even though the high was near +15°C it felt fairly cool here yesterday because of the brisk winds that lasted for most of the day.There were also some isolated showers moving through the area.Temps dropped to the middle single digits overnight and the sky clouded over completely.

            Today will be cool and overcast,warmer weather will begin to move in tomorrow.

The 3 day forecast for our area issued by Environment Canada:

·         Today -- Cloudy with sunny periods and 30 percent chance of showers. Wind northwest 20 km/h. High 8. UV index 5 or moderate.

·         Tonight -- Cloudy. A few showers beginning this evening. Wind northwest 20 km/h. Low plus 3.

·         Tuesday -- Cloudy with 40 percent chance of showers in the morning then a mix of sun and cloud. Wind northwest 20 km/h. High 11.

·         Wednesday -- Sunny. Low plus 2. High 14.

Today's Weather Trivia:

May 10,1853: A family of 7 sailing on Lake Simcoe in an 8-m-long boat was within 8 km of Beaverton, ON, when a squall capsized their vessel. It also carried 2 stoves and other heavy furniture. The father saved himself by means of timber that floated his way, and a young girl's clothes became entangled on the legs of a table, in which condition she floated to shore. The others drowned. – Excerpt from 'The Canadian Weather Trivia Calendar' by David Phillips. © Environment Canada

Sky Events:


1. Date: Monday, May 10, 2010

Time: 10:08 PM

Duration: 2 minutes

Maximum Elevation: 50°

Approach: 29° above NW

Departure: 29° above E


Sirius, the Dog Star, is disappearing in the evening twilight. It is low in the southwest as darkness falls and sets about two hours after the Sun. It is the brightest star in the night sky, but it is so low in the sky that it might be tough to find .-- [StarDate Online | Weekly Stargazing Tips]







--AL C
Editor/Webmaster for
The Liverpool Weather Cam

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Liverpool,Nova Scotia - A mix of sun and cloud. 40 percent chance of showers this afternoon.

9 May 2010

Conditions in Liverpool,NS at 7:14:40 AM : 8.0°C | Partly Clear | Wind: WSW 24 gust 37 km/h

 (Normals: Max: 14°C Min: 4°C)

            Yesterday wasn't very nice here with temps only around +10°C along with rain,thunder and lightning and windy conditions throughout the day.The evening was foggy but calm.Overnight we had some clearing but more rain is expected today.Conditions are not expected to improve very much until Wednesday.

The 7 day forecast for our area issued by Environment Canada:

·         Today -- A mix of sun and cloud. 40 percent chance of showers this afternoon. Wind southwest 30 km/h gusting to 50. High 10. UV index 6 or high.

·         Tonight -- Cloudy with 40 percent chance of showers early this evening then cloudy periods. Wind southwest 30 km/h gusting to 50 becoming west 20 gusting to 40 this evening. Low plus 3.

·         Monday -- Cloudy with sunny periods. Wind west 20 km/h. High 8.

·         Tuesday -- Cloudy with 40 percent chance of showers. Low plus 4. High 11.

·         Wednesday -- Sunny. Low plus 2. High 14.

·         Thursday -- Sunny. Low plus 2. High 14.

·         Friday -- A mix of sun and cloud. Low plus 4. High 14.

·         Saturday -- A mix of sun and cloud. Low 6. High 12.


Today's Weather Trivia:

May 9,1950: During the historic Winnipeg, MB, flood, a portly East Kildonan housewife, carrying a tray of sandwiches, waded through a sea of mud to a dike-side canteen. Suddenly, the sandwich bearer squealed as one of her rubber boots stuck fast in the mud. Three soldiers jumped to the rescue. She tugged, the soldiers pulled, the boot came clear, and the sandwiches were delivered. All dikers cheered. – Excerpt from 'The Canadian Weather Trivia Calendar' by David Phillips. © Environment Canada

Sky Events:


1. Date: Sunday, May 09, 2010

Time: 09:44 PM

Duration: 3 minutes

Maximum Elevation: 27°

Approach: 22° above NNW

Departure: 16° above ENE


2. Date: Sunday, May 09, 2010

Time: 11:18 PM

Duration: Less than 1 minute

Maximum Elevation: 24°

Approach: 16° above WNW

Departure: 24° above WNW


The star at the tip of the Big Dipper's handle, Alkaid, is 100 light-years away, so the light you see from the star tonight began its journey in 1910. Alkaid is much larger, brighter, and heavier than the Sun, and has a bluer color .-- [StarDate Online | Weekly Stargazing Tips]





-Al C

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Special weather statement in effect for: Queens County Potential storm over the Maritimes at anytime this Fall and Winter . A storm will lik...