Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Liverpool,Nova Scotia - A few showers ending this morning then cloudy with sunny periods.

11 May 2010

Conditions in Liverpool,NS at 7:54:49 AM : 6.4°C | Overcast | Wind: NW 15 km/h

 (Normals: Max: 15°C Min: 4°C)

            Yesterday was drizzly and cool here with the high temp barely making it to +12°C.The sun was a no-show and today is not looking much better.It appears that we will have another grey and cool day.Better weather is expected to move into the area tomorrow and conditions will steadily improve as we get closer to the weekend.

The 3 day forecast for our area issued by Environment Canada:

·         Today -- A few showers ending this morning then cloudy with sunny periods. High 10. UV index 5 or moderate.

·         Tonight -- Cloudy with 30 percent chance of showers early this evening. Clearing late this evening. Low plus 3 except minus 1 in low lying inland areas.

·         Wednesday -- Sunny with cloudy periods. High 13.

·         Thursday -- Sunny. Low plus 3. High 15.


Today's Weather Trivia:

May 11,2004: A wicked Colorado storm dumped mounds of wet snow from Calgary, AB, to Kenora, ON. Farmers welcomed the moisture, but for weary city folk, it was like winter all over again. Snowplows were brought out of storage to clear blocked city streets. The long line-ups of deserted cars and trucks on the Trans-Canada Highway for about 2 days cost the Canadian transportation sector millions of dollars. – Excerpt from 'The Canadian Weather Trivia Calendar' by David Phillips. © Environment Canada

Sky Events:


1. Date: Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Time: 08:58 PM

Duration: 3 minutes

Maximum Elevation: 28°

Approach: 22° above NNW

Departure: 16° above ENE


2. Date: Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Time: 10:33 PM

Duration: 2 minutes

Maximum Elevation: 56°

Approach: 19° above WNW

Departure: 56° above SW


Virgo is well up in the southeast as darkness falls, marked by its brightest star, Spica. Another of Virgo's stars, Gamma Virginis, stands above it. Gamma Virginis is a binary system, and both of its stars shine pure white.-- [StarDate Online | Weekly Stargazing Tips]







--AL C
Editor/Webmaster for
The Liverpool Weather Cam

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