Thursday, May 20, 2010

Liverpool,Nova Scotia - Periods of drizzle ending late this morning then clearing. Fog patches dissipating near noon.

20 May 2010

Conditions in Liverpool,NS at 6:36:22 AM : 8.1C | Overcast | Wind: SSW 27 km/h

 (Normals: Max: 17°C Min: 6°C)

            Yesterday was wet and cool here.There were some periods of heavy rain and the temp was only +12°C.There was very little change through the evening and overnight.More rain is expected today and tonight,clearing tomorrow.A big change in temps is on the way and we may see record breaking highs near +30°C over the weekend.

The 3 day forecast for our area issued by Environment Canada :

·         Today -- Periods of drizzle ending late this morning then clearing. Fog patches dissipating near noon. Wind southwest 30 km/h. High 13 except 16 inland. UV index 3 or moderate.

·         Tonight -- Cloudy periods. 30 percent chance of showers late this evening and after midnight. Wind southwest 20 km/h becoming north 20 gusting to 40 overnight. Low 9.

·         Friday -- Sunny. Wind north 20 km/h gusting to 40 becoming light in the morning. High 16.

·         Saturday -- Sunny. Low 8. High 19.


Today's Weather Trivia:

May 20,2007: Following a spring storm that dumped up to 50 mm of ice on homes and power lines on Newfoundland's Northern Peninsula, 1,300 people were left without power for more than 3 days. High winds and the freezing rain downed poles and wires and pulled electrical meters off homes. – Excerpt from 'The Canadian Weather Trivia Calendar' by David Phillips. © Environment Canada

Sky Events:

ISS(visible): No visible sightings for the next while because the ISS is  passing over our area before sunset.

The first-quarter Moon forms a wide, skinny triangle with two bright companions tonight. Regulus, the brightest star of Leo, the lion, is to the upper right of the Moon, with the orange planet Mars farther to the Moon's right. They are high in the sky at nightfall and set by around 2 a.m.– [Star Date Online]


AURORA WATCH: Sky watchers should be alert for auroras tonight. Earth is entering a high speed solar wind stream, and this could cause geomagnetic storms at high latitudes.


--AL C
Editor/Webmaster for
The Liverpool Weather Cam

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