15 March 2010
Conditions in Liverpool,NS at 8:18:23 AM : 3.4°C | Overcast | Wind: NE 26 gust 42 km/h
(Normals: Max: 4°C Min: -5°C)
Yesterday was cool and blustery but there wasn’t any rain.There was little change through the evening and overnight and rain is still a possibility for today.Warmer than normal temps and sunshine are forecast for most of the rest of the week.
The 3 day forecast for our area issued by Environment Canada:
- Today: Periods of rain ending early this afternoon then cloudy. Amount 2 mm. Wind northeast 30 km/h gusting to 50 increasing to 50 gusting to 80 early this morning. High plus 5.
- Tonight: Cloudy. Clearing overnight. Wind northeast 50 km/h gusting to 80 diminishing to 30 gusting to 50 this evening. Low plus 1.
- Tuesday: Sunny. High 7.
- Wednesday: Sunny. Low minus 1. High 11.
Today’s Weather Trivia:
15 March 2003: This winter saw a record number of frozen water-pipe breaks in Saskatoon, SK-184 since January 1, more than double the previous 7-year average of 82. Crews worked 12- to 16-hour shifts, 7 days a week, to repair the breaks. Frost normally penetrates to 1.5 m, but this year, it penetrated as deep as 2.1 m and deeper in some places. – Excerpt from 'The Canadian Weather Trivia Calendar' by David Phillips. © Environment
ISS: Rising at 8:46PM in the northwest and traveling through the northern sky as it moves towards the northeast.
The Moon is "new" at 8:01 p.m. ADT as it crosses the imaginary line between Earth and Sun. It is lost from sight in the Sun's glare, but should return to view on Wednesday evening as a thin crescent low in the west shortly after sunset.
-Al C
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