Friday, May 28, 2010

Liverpool,Nova Scotia - A mix of sun and cloud. Wind northwest 20 km/h becoming north 30 gusting to 50 this morning. High 13.

28 May 2010

Conditions in Liverpool,NS at 7:35:53 AM : 10°C | Clear | Wind: NW 21 km/h

 (Normals: Max: 18°C Min: 7°C)

Yesterday was another cool and windy day here with the afternoon high temp only near 16°C.The wind was quite strong for most of the day but finally died out after sunset.The evening was cool with cloudy periods and the overnight low was near 9°C.

Today is not expected to be much different than yesterday.On the upside,the warmer weather is still forecast to return tomorrow.

The official start of 'hurricane season' is in next Tuesday and this year is expected to be quite active.More info can be found here.


The 3 day forecast for our area issued by Environment Canada :

·         Today -- A mix of sun and cloud Wind northwest 20 km/h becoming north 30 gusting to 50 this morning. High 13. UV index 7 or high.

·         Tonight -- A few clouds. Wind north 20 km/h becoming light this evening. Low 7.

·         Saturday -- Sunny. High 22.

·         Sunday -- Cloudy with 40 percent chance of showers. Low 11. High 22.



Today's Weather Trivia:

May 28,1872: The New York Times published details of a series of catastrophes that struck the sealing fleet on the coast of Newfoundland and Labrador. It reported that over 40 vessels, including 4 steamships, were dashed to pieces amid huge icebergs during a terrific hurricane and 4,000 seal hunters had died. Later reports had the crews from 12 downed vessels all saved, except for 60 men. – Excerpt from 'The Canadian Weather Trivia Calendar' by David Phillips. © Environment Canada

Sky Events:

  • ISS(visible): No visible sightings for the next while because the ISS is passing over our area during daylight hours.
  • X-37B The X-37B is a unmanned space plane, similar to the space shuttle, launched from Cape Canaveral on April 22, 2010, on a secret mission for the US Air Force. :

May 28 --    10:42:00 pm      WSW   10:45:07pm       34°       3.5 (dim)

May 29 --    09:50:12 pm      WSW   09:53:12pm       29°       3.8 (dim)

May 30 --    10:35:12 pm      WSW   10:38:26pm       41°       3.0 (visible)


  • Bootes, the herdsman, is high in the sky at nightfall. It looks like a faint kite, with bright yellow-orange Arcturus at the tail. The top of the kite is Beta Bootis, far to the left of Arcturus. Two decades ago, it produced one of the most powerful explosions ever detected from a "normal" star. – [Star Date Online]


  • AURORA ('Northern Lights') WATCH: Be alert for auroras tonight. A coronal mass ejection (CME) is heading for Earth and it could spark geomagnetic storms when it arrives on May 27th or 28th.


~~ Got pics of weather / sky happenings?Send them in via the email link on http://liverpoolweather.echozcom to have them featured there.~~



--AL C
Editor/Webmaster for
The Liverpool Weather Cam

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