+12.8°C, Humidity 83%,Wind: W 12 km/h
Last 24 hrs min/max:
Liverpool: low +9.6°C high +24.5°C Max wind: NW 23.2 km/h
Western Head: low +8.9°C high +22.1°C Max wind: WNW 30 gust 45 km/h
We had a nice day here yesterday after the morning thunderstorms moved out
of the area.The afternoon temps were in the middle 20Cs and humidity levels
were in the comfort range.The evening was mostly clear with temps dropping
to near 10C.
It's quite warm and clear here this morning and we are expecting good
weather for most of this week other than the possibility of a few scattered
Forecasts for our area issued by Environment Canada :
(Normals: Max +22C / Min +11C)
Today:Sunny with cloudy periods. Wind becoming west 20 km/h gusting to 40
this morning. High 21. UV index 9 or very high.
Tonight:Cloudy periods. Wind west 20 km/h becoming light this evening. Low
Tuesday:A mix of sun and cloud. 30 percent chance of showers late in the
afternoon and in the evening. Wind becoming northwest 20 km/h in the
afternoon. High 19.
Wednesday:A mix of sun and cloud with 30 percent chance of showers. Low 10.
High 18.
Wind northwest 15 to 20 knots diminishing to 10 to 15 overnight and
to light near noon Tuesday. Wind becoming westerly 10 to 15 Tuesday
Today's Weather Trivia:
1895: A large hailstorm with copious amounts of rain struck Ellisboro, SK.
The hail spared crops but killed a yearling steer, broke the backs of a few
pigs, and smashed windows. The largest stone found was 25 cm around, as big
as a baseball. One victim blamed the lightning for turning what was a full
head of hair bald.
-Excerpt from 'The Canadian Weather Trivia Calendar' by David Phillips.
© Environment Canada
Sky Events:
Solar Activity:
Solar activity is expected to be very
low to low during the period (20 - 22 June).
AURORA ('Northern Lights') WATCH:
Geomagnetic field activity is
expected to increase to quiet to unsettled levels during days 1 - 2
(20 - 21 June) with a chance for brief active periods due to a
coronal hole high-speed stream.
Next ISS visible sightings:
Monday, June 20, 2011 Time: 10:35 PM Duration: 2 minutes Maximum Elevation:
21° Approach: 21° above N Departure: 11° above NE
Tuesday, June 21, 2011 Time: 00:11 AM Duration: 2 minutes Maximum Elevation:
31° Approach: 26° above NNW Departure: 21° above ENE
Tuesday, June 21, 2011 Time: 01:45 AM Duration: Less than 1 minute Maximum
Elevation: 15° Approach: 10° above WNW Departure: 15° above WNW
Summer arrives tomorrow in the northern hemisphere. From the far-southern
United States, the Sun will stand almost directly overhead at local noon.
After that it will drop slowly southward, reaching its farthest point south
in December.
* The Western Head weather station is the official reporting station for
this area.It is NOT located in Liverpool but is approx 10kms outside of town
and on the seashore.The temperature difference between the town of Liverpool
and the weather station can be quite large,especially in the summer months.
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