Well....it was mostly overcast here yesterday.There wasn't much rain and the temps hit the mid-twenties.It stayed mild through the evening with temps dropping overnight to about 12°.
It is still overcast here this morning and expected to be similar to yesterday.Clearing is expected later today and.....there is a FROST WARNING issued for inland areas for tonight??!!
Strange how the highs and lows are so far apart.
The weekend forecast has been changed....instead of 24 and sunny now it's 14 and rain.It's some hard to make weekend plans here earlier in the week when they change it like that.I guess those forecasters just don't have enough equipment to work with.
I find it amusing how,in the early days of TV,the forecasters used a blackboard as a visual aid,had no satellite data and were more accurate than they are today.Now it seems to be more about who looks better in front of the camera and who's clothes they are wearing than how right they are.One thing about it,it's a great job to have...you can make all the mistakes you want,make an excuse as to why you were wrong,no one says anything and you get to keep your job.
- ©Al C 2008
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Local conditions at publication time:
Observed at Hoptoad Hill (near Liverpool,NS):
Temperature: 12°C
Wind: light N
Sky: overcast
Precip: none
From Environment Canada
Reported from Environment Canada's local weather station in Western Head:
Temperature: 9.5°C
Pressure / Tendency: 101.6 kPa falling
Humidity: 98 %
Dewpoint: 9.1°C
Wind: N 11 km/h
The forecast for our area:
Today..A few showers ending near noon then a mix of sun and cloud.
Fog patches along the coast this morning. High 19 except 10 along the
coast. UV index 5 or moderate.
Tonight..Clearing early this evening. Low plus 5 with risk of frost.
Friday..Sunny. High 19 except 12 along the coast.
Yesterday's official data from Environment Canada:
Temps: high: 13.5° low: 5.9° Precip: 0 mm
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