Well it feels like summer is over here.We are already getting more autumn-like weather....lots of big cumulus clouds,cooler temps and lower humidity.Whether or not this will last through August is anyone's guess but the conditions stretch from here and into the New England area of the US.
There is lots of unsettled weather to come and the tropics are once again getting active after a week of no events.
Currently there are two area in the Atlantic being watched and both may develop into depressions or storms.
There are no storms currently expected here for this week.Temps are expected to be in the low 20s with some rain possibly on Tuesday.The expected highs are in the normal range for us as determined by Enviroment Canada.
On another note,I have found a great desktop weather program that is FREE and offers lots of features.It needs a little tweaking after installing it but works great.Check it out HERE.

Watch our weather as it happens via our cam(s).Click here.
Note:The temps shown in the forecast block in this blog are reported from the nearest local weather station located at Western Head which is very near the ocean.The temps there are quite different than here usually.
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